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Solvent-free, Continuous Flow Synthesis of Nitroesters using Labtrix®-S1 Ultra Flex


Nitration reactions are industrially important finding application in pharmaceutical, fine chemical and agrochemical sectors, for the preparation of materials such as API`s, dyes, pesticides and explosives. The fact that such reactions are rapid and exothermic, however makes their safe, controlled and selective use at scale challenging. With this in mind, the past decade has seen numerous researchers demonstrating the application of continuous flow reactors to obtain control for this exothermic reactions.
The manipulation of highly corrosive media within flow systems is however challenging and requires careful selection of wetted materials. Whit this in mind, Chemtrix BV have developed Labtrix® Ultra Flex, an upgrade to the standard PEEK system, which comprises of EFTE and perflouroelastomer wetted parts.

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