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Encapsulation of methotrexate in alginate & hyaluronic acid microbeads for controlled release in cancer treatment

BÜCHI Labortechnik AG

In the presented study of Genc &Butuktiryaki, Methotrexate (MTX) was encapsulated in alginate-hyaluronic acid microbeads which were prepared using the Inotech Encapsulator (pre-cursor of the BUCHI Encapsulators). MTX is an anti-metabolite and anti-folate drug used in treatment of cancer, autoimmune diseases, ectopic pregnancy, and for the induction of medical abortions. It acts by inhibiting the metabolism of folic acid.
Encapsulation of MTX provides a mechanism for the controlled release of the drug; enabling the release of the required dose while also preventing interaction of the drug from oxygen, pH changes and other unfavourable conditions which can cause the drug to degrade before reaching its target area.

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Sušilniki in Enkapsulatorji